



FGR Model

Dr. Weiner


Contact Information

Fuel Rod Expertise for the Nuclear Power Industry

KW Consulting provides internationally known talent and expertise in fuel rod design analysis and fuel rod performance model development. I provide a variety of services to enable my clients to improve power generation economics and maintain their competitive position while continuing to meet regulatory requirements.

With deregulation of the electric power industry, utilities must maximize the economic return from their fuel in order to deal with increasing competition. At the same time, they must meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements. KW Consulting can provide improved fuel models and design capabilities to show that the fuel meets performance and reliability requirements.

I have over 30 years experience as lead engineers providing innovative, reliable and on-time solutions for PWR fuel rod design, fuel rod design methods development, fuel rod performance model development and licensing, and fuel rod design software development.

KW Consulting provides its clients with proven technical capabilities. With an international reputation in PWR fuel rod design, fuel rod design training, fuel licensing documentation review, and fuel performance model development and licensing, service is efficient, timely, confidential, and reliable.

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